peaceful mornings & burnt croissants…

My everyday job is flexible and there’s some days that I get the opportunity to take off when Drew has a day off.  We look forward to these kind of days that we can leisurely get up without an alarm and cook a yummy breakfast.  Today I burnt our “yummy” breakfast, so we had cereal, but that’s beside the point.  Today is one of our favorite kinds of days.  The house is cozy, the aroma of coffee {and burnt croissants} is all throughout the house and the windows are open allowing us to hear the hustle and bustle on Ann Street.  These kinds of mornings are the mornings that I long for.  Mornings like this make all the chaotic mornings of the past few weeks forgotten.

Im thankful for today.

…thankful for windy, rainy mornings

…thankful for the beauty of nature

…thankful for a cozy space to sit down and write

…thankful for a peace that is filling my soul.

As this new day and month of May begins, I am fighting the urge to start rushing and creating plans for the day and for the month.  I am fighting the urge to leave this peace behind and start running towards {my} goals at full force.  But this morning, I felt God say…Breann, slow down.  Take a minute to relax in my presence.

So, for now, I am letting God’s presence fill me up.

 Instead of jumping into action,

                                                                         I am listening.

I am opening my hands up and letting Him guide me.  Sometimes, I’ll admit it, it’s hard for me.  It’s so hard to open my clinched fists and let myself be vulnerable.  This constant fight has led me to so many circumstances where my plans have gotten me in trouble.  Y’all, I am focusing so hard on what I want and what I think is best for me, that I lose sight of what God wants and what God knows is best for me.  See the difference there?  I can think all I want and try to come up with these plans that I believe are going to lead me to success or happiness or wealth or to some thought up future.  But the main point is, if I am planning and keeping my fists clenched tight, then I will never truly find the life {the story} that God wrote for me.  God’s plans for me are not always what I want or what I imagined them to be.  In fact, most of the time they aren’t. But the beauty of it all is that, yes, maybe they aren’t the plans I imagined or dreamed of, but they are the plans that He created for me.

So for now, this morning…I’m enjoying sitting in my favorite chair in my favorite room of the house sipping some coffee and enjoying God’s blessings. I have my hands open and I’m listening.  I’m not planning or fighting or rushing around.  I am simply sitting, listening carefully and waiting patiently to see what’s next in my story.  The plans are already written by the most amazing Author, but it’s my responsibility to follow Him wholeheartedly.

Here is my prayer for today.  Maybe it can be a prayer for you, too…

Dear God- Thank you.  Thank you for the plans that you have so carefully written for my life.  In you, I feel peace and I feel hope.  I know that You have my life and my purpose planned perfectly and I am listening.  I am opening up my hands and I am ready to receive all that You want for my life.  I want to bring glory and honor to you in everything that I do.  I pray that today, I feel peace and with your help, I pray that I take one moment at a time, enjoying every single bit of blessing that you provide.  I thank you for all that you have provided me and I thank you for the promise of a future with You.  -In your heavenly name, Amen. 

Stay joyful, my friends…

{and remember to Let go (of the plans, the worry, the fear) and Let God.}

XO, Breann

P.S.  If you need more comfort and peace through words, check out my dear friend’s Elizabeth’s book, begin..  I had the honor of being one of the contributors.  The words within this book are filled with beauty, life and a whole lot of Jesus. Click HERE to see more..

breann cup


Knocking FEAR Down…

Fear is paralyzing.

But I will not give into it anymore.

Fear causes suffering.

But I will not suffer from it anymore.

Fear destroys.

But I will not be destroyed by it anymore.

Fear is something I am familiar with and maybe you are, too.  I think we, as human beings, have all gone through some sort of fear.  Fear can come from many circumstances.  Maybe it is fear of the future, fear of a person or situation, fear of losing someone or something you cherish dearly…the list could go on and on.  Sometimes, the fear that life hits you with knocks you down…down into a dark place filled with uncertainty, lies and lost hope , but friend, instead of being knocked down from the fear, it is time to rise up from fear, find God’s strength in the weaknesses and find victory through the fight

God gives us strength in our weaknesses. God gives us victory in the fight.

God is within me, I will NOT give into fear.

When I think of fear, I think of feeling hopeless, scared and in need of protection.   In my journey, I have fought away fear that I was hit with during different trials and hardships. If I sat down with you and told you my personal journey, fear would definitely be mentioned more than once.  I have faced many times where fear caused me to live in a state of anxiety believing many lies and being a place where I needed God more than ever.   But if I shared my personal journey with you, I would, also, tell you that with God’s help I fought the fear head-on and knocked FEAR down! God placed many truths in my heart that I now focus on daily.

God does not want me to feel hopeless,

He wants me to have hope in Him,

God does not want me to be scared,

He is my fortress and my rock,

I am not in need of my own form of protection,

He has placed His armor of protection on ALL of His children.

Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses and it speaks truth over fear.

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

In Joshua 1, Joshua has just taken over after the death of Moses.  God is instructing Joshua to lead the His people to the Promised Land and away from the enemies that were fighting against them.  In that kind of situation, I am sure the Joshua may have been feeling fearful and anxious. God knew that and in Joshua 1:9, He instructs him to be brave and unafraid. “for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” has always comforted me and I am sure it comforted Joshua, too.  This verse and story have always helped me in pushing the fear that I have away and I hope it can help you, too. God asks us to be strong, courageous and unafraid, because He is with us WHEREVER we go.  How amazing is that?  He is with us…we do not have to fear.

No matter where your path may lead you, friend, God is there.

During joyous times or sorrowful times, God is there. 

During hardships or triumph, God is there.

He is always there…in your heart and with His arms wrapped around you. If fear knocks you to your knees, pray and call out to God, because He will protect you.

Friend, if you are filled with fear today, I am lifting you up in prayer.  Always remember that no matter where your path may lead you or what circumstance you approach, God is by your side and holding onto you tightly!

Here is my prayer for us today:

Dear Lord, Thank you for the peace you give us in knowing that You are always with us and that You will never leave our side.  I pray that through tough times and easy times, that we put our trust in you.  I ask in Your Holy Name that you put your full armor on us whenever fear tries to knock us down.  I am confident that you can do all things and I pray that, through you, we can be courageous, brave and unafraid.  We are ready to knock FEAR down! You are our fortress and You make us strong.  Thank you for loving us and living within us.  In your precious name, Amen.

Be strong and courageous.

Stay joyful and free.

XO, Breann



P.S.  This past week, I made a new business opportunity decision!  I am now a Plunder Jewelry Stylist and I am so excited about sharing this beautiful, vintage jewelry with women! I fell in love with the jewelry when my friend, Kayla, invited me to one of her Plunder parties! I ordered two pieces: the Jo jo necklace and the Aisha bracelet. I loved that the jewelry I had purchased had inspirational meaning behind them. The Jo jo necklace gives me a daily reminder to choose joy with “Joy in the Journey” (#choosejoy all the way!) and the Aisha bracelet is a daily reminder to push away the fear and worries with “My Faith is Bigger than My Fear” (it completely inspired me to write my thoughts out on fear and share them with you all!). 

God is so good and I am so excited for this new opportunity that He has given me!! Fearlessly Joyful, my group business page on Facebook, is something I am passionate about and I hope you will be, too!


Click HERE forthe link to the bracelet to remind you that your faith is bigger than your FEAR!

Click HERE to join my Facebook group: Fearlessly Joyful. ❤

Our Life Storybook…

During the past few days, freedom has been on my mind.   At first when I started thinking of freedom and it’s meaning,  I thought of finding freedom from worries, stress, burdens, and so on.  I thought of finding freedom through God and with God’s guidance I know that I can find freedom from going through the motions of life aimlessly filled with worries.

I was curious about what the Bible states about freedom and being free. So to begin, during my few days of exploration, I started searching through the Bible for verses that discuss freedom. There are so many verses about the freedom we can find through God during our journeys and relationships with Him.  The verses really spoke to me and I was able to find some new insights on freedom and what it means through God’s truths. Some of my favorites are:

“Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.  And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free…” John 8:31-32 NLT

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”               2 Corinthians 3:17 NLT

“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters.  But do not use your freedom to satisfy your own sinful nature.  Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.  For the whole law can be summed up in this one commandment: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself'” Galatians 5:13-14 NLT

The last verse from Galatians really stood out to me and after I read over the verse a couple of times, I realized something.  God does not provide me freedom so that I can turn around and use that freedom for only myself and for only my plans.  In the beginning, that’s what I was focusing on.  Let’s be honest, I had chosen the word, freedom, so that I could let go of some of the things that were confining me and making me feel trapped {anxiety, worry}.  I was only thinking about how I could use the newfound freedom to be more confident and relaxed…but then I realized that’s not why God placed freedom on my heart. My plans did not match up with God’s.   In the verse above from Galatians, I felt that God was showing me that He provides {us} freedom so that {we} can use the freedom to serve others.  Freedom in God can be used to create relationships and to provide service to others that are in need {and we are all in need of God’s love and grace}.

Finding freedom through God to serve others with His love.

It’s the little realizations and words of truth that God shows me that is encouraging me to find more freedom and, friends, a passion is forming within me.  I feel God calling me down a path of serving others and of following His truths in the path He has for me.  I am filled with awe and wonder.   God is inspiring me and I feel His presence as I see the plans He has for me unfold.

So I have a prayer for all of us.  I pray that we all open up our hands and hearts and let God free us. I pray that through the freedom He provides us with…

we can make a difference,

we can change the world,

we can serve others.

Through serving with a heart for God and a love for others, so many wonderful things can unfold.

Let God continue writing in your life’s storybook. Let Him do the guiding.  Let yourself open up.  Big things will come.

Stay joyful & free.

XO, Breann

#choosejoy #choosetobefree



































Can you believe 2017 is here?

I am still astonished at how quickly 2016 went by. New years bring about many new things-  new beginnings, new journeys, new focuses, new trials and triumphs…I could go on and on.   These new things can be exciting and maybe scary, too, but one thing that I love about a new year is choosing a new word to focus on for the continuation of the year.

Choosing the right word is something that is challenging yet refreshing.  Joy was my word for the year of 2016 and I found so much joy through God during my journey of 2016.   I saw myself transform from a nervous, worry-filled person into a joy-filled person with a full dependency on God.   As 2016 came to an end, I felt confident that I had reached a level of joy that I had never reached before.

God changed my attitude.

God changed my way of life.

God changed me.

I am forever grateful and as I continue into 2017, I am planning to continue to #choosejoy but there is another word that I have not really focused on before and I think my 2017 word will help me take the next step of being the person God wants me to be.  He is paving my path and I am joyfully following His way.

As I thought of the word that I wanted to focus on for the year of 2017, there were many words that came to mind but God stepped in, of course, and surprised me with the word that I realized I do not think of often. I opened my hands to him.  I listened and he answered.

Free… Choosing to be free.

That was it!

Freedom from worry and stress.

Freedom from anxiety.

Freedom from burdens.

Freedom THROUGH God!

In 2 Corinthians, the new covenant is being discussed and within the scripture it is stated that “whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil [the law of the old covenant] is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.  And the Lord–who is the Spirit–makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image” (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT).   Once we have the veil removed, we can find freedom in God and see Him in his full glory.  Can you imagine?   Choosing to release control and choosing to let go can lead to freedom and bigger steps in our relationships with God.

Finding freedom is much more than just letting go of things and finding a peace within you.  Finding freedom brings us closer to God, closer to his glorious Spirit.  It’s what, I believe, He wants for all of his children.  He wants us to live in a way of complete freedom letting Him guide the way and showing us the story He wrote for us before we were even born.

It is my hope and prayer that this year, I (and you, too) can find the freedom that God graciously provides.  We just have to take the step and I am ready to take that step closer into His love, His promises and His word.

Stay joyful and free, friends.

XO, Breann

Read 2 Corinthians 3 HERE 

Drew bought me a beautiful Alex and Ani bracelet for the kick-off of my year of freedom: the Guardian of Freedom (see below)…It’s on sale right now! Check out the Alex and Ani Bracelet HERE


Guardian of Freedom charm

#choosetobefree #choosejoy

planted by God…

Hi there friends…

Once again, I’ve lost track with blogging but I figured it would be a good time to catch you guys up on our story.

Drew is staying busy (and sunburnt) at the marina.  I am staying busy with school and I am counting down the days until graduation in Decemeber!  We are both loving life and spending time with one another.  Our recent hobby that we have acquired is gardening and we are pretty good at it, too.  Drew has always loved to plant.  Our kitchen garden would show you that.  We recently bought a blueberry bush that is quickly producing beautiful blueberries. We, also, spruced up our front garden with some beautiful flowers and plants.  Gardening is so rewarding.  I love watching the seeds that we planted grow into beautiful plants.  I, also, love tending to the plants and watering them.  It is such a relaxing, enjoyable hobby that Drew and I share together.

Gardening reminds me so much of what God does for us.  We, as His children, are little seeds that He plants and tends to.  Through our spiritual journey, we grow into these sprouting plants that depend on the nutrients from God and that grow as we are “fed”.  The past few weeks, this analogy has really came to life for me.  Through some difficult situations, I felt lost and as though I was wilting.   I was worried about things that I should not have been worried about and I became filled with stress.  Luckily, I was reminded that I still have God who will tend to me and take care of me if I allow Him to do so.   After some encouragement from dear friends and of course, my husband,  some truth finding through God’s word, and some time to think and process, I started to grow and become alive, again.  It was all God.  God is by our sides, always.  Through the journey over the past few weeks, I have become hopeful and joyful through God and His words.   He has our stories all planned out, beginning to end, and I have found so much comfort in that.  He is my everything. Without his “water” and “nutrients”, I would be much like a wilted flower.

Through Him, all things are possible.  Through Him, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Through Him, I can find joy and hope. Through Him, I am filled with peace today.  Through Him, I am whole.

“Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down”   -Philippians 4:6-7

Until next time, friends.

XO, Breann.


Our little nephew, Wesson, graduated from K5!


I love being your best friend.


One of my favorite festivals, Artisphere, with Mom!


Fondue for Dinner! At Dave & Busters.


The Blueberry Bush


Long Time, No See…

Long time, no see, our dear friends!  These past few weeks have been filled with chaos, sadness, happiness and new adventures together as a married couple for Drew and I.

Two weeks ago, we had many crazy events occur that really brought, both, sadness and thankfulness.  I learned so much from the events that occurred and I feel that so much growth took place.  Drew and I grew as a married couple, Our family grew stronger, and Our faith grew tremendously.  I learned so much as a wife and I know Drew feels that he learned so much as a husband.   We both learned about how important every day is.  This is our temporary home and I feel that ever single day must be appreciated and I am now seeing how unimportant the material things in this life are.  When our days do come to an end, it is not going to matter about the things we owned.  What is going to matter is how we spent our days serving God, loving one another and being examples.    I think we should seize everyday with optimism, a servant’s heart and a strive to make an impact.   Every single day matters.  Always make sure that your loved ones know how much you care for them and how much you love them.  

We are thankful for the experiences we have had and we are blessed that we serve a God that always helps us through hardships.   We are, also, so thankful that God blessed us with one another to spend everyday with, through the good and the bad.


-We had a great Easter filled with love, family time and thankfulness.  We are both so grateful that we have a Lord who sent His one and only son to die for us.  Our sins are forgiven!  HE IS RISEN!

-I started my new nanny job and I am having a blast!  The little guys and I are having so many adventures together! Drew has, also, been so supportive!

-Drew’s garden is growing and we are siked to have some fresh veggies!

Thanks for reading, friends.

XO, Breann

drew plant

Drew and his lettuce!


Us on Easter Sunday!


Our Engagement collage from two years ago! ❤


My two little cuties, Aiden and Luca!

This post is in honor of Wally Sowell, Drew’s beloved boss, mentor and friend. We love you, Wally.   We know you are smiling down from heaven with a Reese’s in one hand and a Cherry Coke in the other. XO

Hiking Up and Down a Mountain together…

Yesterday, Drew and I enjoyed a wonderful day off together.  Jones Gap State Park has always been one of my favorite places to go and the weather yesterday was too gorgeous to pass up a hike, so Drew and I planned the day around that.

We, first, went out for a delicious lunch at Aunt Sue’s, which is an adorable place right off of HWY 11 with a few shops, an ice cream parlor and a country-styled restaurant.  If you haven’t been, mark it on your summer bucket list!   We enjoyed ice water in mason jars, fried pickles, chicken salad and the best cheeseburger.  It was absolutely delicious!  The restaurant is lit with tons of natural light and it is nestled under the shadows of the gorgeous Table Rock.  If you are looking for a relaxing lunch, Aunt Sue’s is the place to go! 1

After we left Aunt Sue’s, we drove up to Jones Gap.  It was a beautiful drive filled with farm land, ponds, rivers and adorable mountain cottages.  Drew and I started to dream about owning a cottage in the middle of the wilderness one day.  We finally got to the park, and we could immediately smell the dark green moss on the trees and nature surrounding us. The sounds of the river water running swiftly and birds chirping loudly made the walk so peaceful.  Drew and I were quiet, taking in the beauty around us.  When in nature, I feel that is the time that you can truly step back and appreciate the creations of God.  A dear friend told me about a podcast that she had listened to that talked about nature and the peace we feel in nature.  The reason for the peace we feel is because we are surrounded by things doing what God created them for.  So often, we, as humans, sin against God and go against what He created us for. In nature, you notice the water flowing, the plants growing up towards the Sun, and you see so many more things doing what God intended for them to do.  I think that is so special and I often thought about this on our journey up to the Falls at Jones Gap.


The hike totaled up to 5 miles, miles that were filled with beauty and excitement.  Drew and I got some really amazing quality time together without the outside world being a distraction (no beeping or rings from our phones–no service is a good thing 🙂  ).   We hiked up rocky terrains and walked through small streams flowing off of the river.  We laughed, talked and I’m not going to lie, I almost fell, only a couple of million times.    As I held Drew’s hand while we hiked, I felt so much love and joy.  I am so happy that I have a man that loves nature and God’s beauty as much as I do.  We finally got up to the top, and the view was a reward, for sure.  The waterfall was gorgeous and Drew and I, both, paused in awe as we approached it.  The water was falling with such grace and the sound that came from the falls filled us with peace.  We sat on a huge rock at the edge of the waterfall in amazement. “God did a really good job, didn’t he?”, I asked Drew.  “He sure did”, Drew answered.  We enjoyed the falls for a little while and then we started our hike back down the mountain, which was a struggle, for me.  I mean, let’s face it, if I almost fell many times going UP the mountain, I was bound to almost fall a few times going DOWN the mountain.  This idea made me think…

In life, we have many mountains that we have to face, going up and down, and sometimes it’s scary and it leaves us wavering.  These mountains can take the form of any kind of struggle or obstacle we face in our lives.  The important thing that I think is vital to remember is that we have a God that loves us and provides for us.  Drew and I have, both, struggled with things in our lives that made us feel down or weak.  We have been through hard times together, as a married couple and individually, before we were married.  Often, when one of us is struggling in an area of life, the other person gives the reminder that God knows our path and His plans for us are greater than we can imagine.  And yes, it is a hard thing to imagine and try to let go of.  “So you mean, I can’t plan my every moment out and have complete control of every single thing??”  I used to find myself asking this question, but the answer is NO, you can’t.  God is the only one that knows every moment of your life and what is ahead, because he planned it all out before you were even thought about.  These verses immediately comes to mind as I think of God’s plan for us:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.
Psalms 139:13-18

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

How amazing and comforting these verses are!  God formed us.  God knows everything about us, down to the number of hairs we have on our heads.  God knows the plan for us, in fact, He’s the one who created it.   I have been resting in these thoughts the past several weeks and I think that it is such a wonderful thing to remember.    Drew and I strive to remember this daily and feel comfort from it.  We are both so happy that each of us were in God’s plan for one another.  Drew provides comfort and joy for me here on Earth and I am blessed that God gave me a companion here that I can do life with.

Thanks for reading.
xo, Breann


Adorable mason jar at Aunt Sue’s


Car ride!


Table Rock view


Falls at Jones Gap

drew 2

Breann in front of the Falls


Drew sipping on his drink at Aunt Sue’s


Love this man!

Love is patient, Love is kind…

 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Corinthians 13:4-8

I absolutely love this verse and its meaning is different to me now that I am married and older.  Love is such a wonderful thing to do, to feel and to witness.  This weekend was filled with so much joy and love!  Drew astounds me with his support in everything I do and his constant love and encouragement means the world to me.  I am forever thankful to our wonderful God who blessed us and continues to bless us daily!

So now for the weekend breakdown…

Friday — Drew and I enjoyed going to rehearsals at the Enrapt Annex together.  We both enjoyed watching my cast of extremely talented actors run the first act of  Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.  Drew was eager to watch and complimented my direction and the cast.  I am so thankful that Drew cares so much for my passions and I think that is a big deal in relationships.  I always feel that I can be myself around Drew and share all things with him.   (Ladies, make sure that you find a guy that will treat you with the highest level of kindness, respect and love–Every girl deserves it!)  After our fun night of rehearsal, we went out for a late dinner in Easley, and I bet you can guess what we got…Yep, Mexican food.  😉

Saturday–Drew had a work day and I had a relax day.  It is starting to get a lot busier on the lake so Drew’s job is getting a little more hectic and tiring.  My mother and I ended up going to Downtown Greenville to walk around and enjoy the beautiful, warm weather.  Once Drew got home, my parents invited us to come to their house to have a nice dinner and watch The Revenant.  It was such a great movie and we enjoyed the time we got to relax together and enjoy popcorn, great company, and a good movie.  The night ended with us, both exhausted, falling asleep as soon as we hit the bed.

Sunday–Drew, once again, had to work.  After a long day at work for him, we enjoyed a great night having bible study with our house church group.   Currently, our group is going through the Bible in order and last night, we read Acts 21,22, and 23.  We are really admiring Paul’s journey. Learning about his journey in spreading the Gospel and loving Jesus is refreshing and inspiring.  Paul served the Lord so boldly and Drew and I are  getting a lot out of the reading. Read Acts 21-23 here!

This weekend was warm, joyful and filled with love.

Thanks for reading.
xo, Breann

P.S. Here’s a yummy recipe we are trying this week… Stay updated with us this week to see the results:  Click here | Spinach Dip Chicken Bombs



Movie night!


Branson being Branson…


…and the greatest of these is love.

the crucible poster

The Crucible






Tortillas, Saved by the Bell and College

Today has already started out to be good day.  Drew and I woke up early feeling refreshed and ready for the day.  I took time getting ready this morning and it was nice not having to rush around.  The aroma of hot, rich coffee filled the house and Drew and I enjoyed spending time together eating breakfast and packing lunch. Drew’s days off are Tuesdays and Thursdays so he gets to enjoy a relaxing day at home and today is a work day and a rehearsal day for me, which I, also, enjoy.   This morning, I, also, found out that I am for sure graduating a semester early (December 2016) from Anderson University.  I am thrilled and Drew is super excited and so so so supportive!

Yesterday was a good day, too.  I found out I get to be a nanny, again, starting at the end of this month. Being a nanny has always been one of my all-time favorite jobs and I am so excited to get to nanny two adorable little boys throughout the summer! I already started pinning tons of fun activities on my Pinterest. 😛   Drew is starting a new thing as well.  He has started something called day-trading, which he is really mastering. I am so proud of him and I admire his willingness to try new hobbies and ventures.  The day ended perfectly with Drew’s new dinner creation, Buffalo Chicken and Ranch Flatbreads. Oh my goodness, it was DELICIOUS!!  One of the things I love about Drew is his cooking skills and he really showed out last night!  I listed the recipe below so you guys could try it out, too. We ended the night watching Saved by the Bell, which we were thrilled to see on Netflix.

Loving life and loving each other is so much fun!

xo, Breann

Drew’s Buffalo Chicken and Ranch Flatbread

Ingredients: 4 Chicken Strips, Wing Sauce, Ranch, Tortillas of choice (small or large), Celery
*This is for 2 person serving size (1 piece of chicken per tortilla). 

Step 1: Dip chicken strips in wing sauce.  While dipping chicken pieces, toast tortillas until hard.
Step 2: Bake chicken as directed.
Step 3: While chicken is baking, mix ranch and wing sauce together (amount is up to you and how spicy you want it).
Step 4: Rub sauce on toasted tortillas.
Step 5: When chicken is done baking, cut into small pieces.
Step 6: Put small pieces of chicken on tortillas (1 piece of chicken per tortilla).
Step 7: Put cheese on top and toast until melted.
Step 8: Scatter celery bites on top for extra taste.



Starting a Blog…

I have always enjoyed looking at blogs so Drew and I have decided to begin a blog to save our memories and journey as a married couple.  Also, this is a way for our families and friends to keep up with us!

We absolutely love married life and we are excited about recently moving out of our one bedroom apartment in Clemson and into a spacious 2 bedroom house right in the heart of Pickens. We LOVE it!  We have been living in the house for a little over 2 weeks and it is already feeling like home to us.  The house has a lot of character, with hardwood floors, small vintage styled closets, a front porch swing and so much more.   It is a vintage dream come true for me but we made sure that Drew’s modern taste was also added in with the decorating… 😉   It is adorable and we are simply giddy about it!

Around this time of year, Drew and I both get very busy.  The marina in the Cliffs that Drew works at gets extremely busy with families ready for days on the lake and I am currently immersed in the production of the Crucible that I am directing at Enrapt.  We both enjoy staying busy with work that we both enjoy.  Recently we have been searching for ways to make sure that we spend quality time together in the midst of our busy schedules.  Some of our favorite date nights or days include playing board games (Monopoly is our favorite!), eating at our favorite Mexican restaurants, trying out new recipes or watching a movie/whole tv series (Full House and Fuller House are the big ones right now)!   We, also, enjoy a really cool gift my sister, Bethany, made for us that our wedding guests were able to participate in.  It is a mason jar that is filled with different date night ideas written by our families and friends.  We love pulling one of the dates out and seeing what our adventurous date night holds!!!    Right now, we are looking forward to warmer weather for hikes and lake trips.

Thanks for checking out our first blog! Happy Wednesday!

xo, Breann


Our kitchen!



Our dining room with french doors!


Our living room..


Swinging on the swing is my favorite!


Putting up our first mailbox!




Drew at one of our new favorites, Papa’s and Beer!